Top ways to break through your mid-year blues

Suffer from mid-year blues?

Although we do encourage everyone to take some time for themselves for a mini-break to re-fresh, sometimes the timing may be off and not suitable. If you are looking for other ways to break through your mid-year blues, follow a few of these steps below.

✔Get moving!

Even if you can't take a holiday break, you can still find some time to get some exercise (even better if you can do it outside). By doing this, you can decrease stress and improve self-esteem.

✔Get at least 7 hours of sleep!

A good night's sleep helps restore the brain and rejuvenate the body, which in turn contributes to balancing hormones and reducing stress.

✔Re-visit and Re-evaluate your goals

Slumps can also occur when you have been working towards a goal for a long time and feel fatigued, leaving you tired and lacking confidence. Look over your goals and make sure they are achievable and re-access where you stand with them.

✔Eat foods that boost your mood.

Comfort foods can be tempting at this time of year, but remember that the sugar high never lasts. Your diet has a huge impact on how you feel. Here is a list of mood-boosting foods provided by Healthline -

✔Remember to be kind to yourself

Oftentimes, we begin the year with good intentions and resolutions, but by mid-year, we feel as if the year has escaped us and we are not where we wanted to be. Don't get discouraged if it takes longer than expected to accomplish your goal. Be kind to yourself, show yourself compassion, and reassure yourself that you're on your way.


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