Moving careers from Property Management to Strata Management

If you are a Property Manager and have considered moving to Strata Management, this one is for you!

First things first, you need to figure out which one is actually right for you. If you want to manage more than one owner in a building or apartment complex, you want to consider being a strata manager. If you only want to manage individuals (even if the individual owns several properties in that building or apartment complex), then property management is more suited to you you.

So now, if you are leaning towards strata management, we will guide you on the next steps for a successful career move.

Similar to PM, Strata Management is a very people/customer service-focused career. Use this to your advantage and include in your resume the skills employers in Strata Management look for. Some of these include problem-solving skills, conflict management, multitasking, time management and communication skills.

Next, consider reaching out to individuals in the Strata industry. You can do this by finding and connecting with people on LinkedIn. Try to connect with leading strata managers/senior strata managers to get an idea of their day-to-day and how they have become successful.

After re-adjusting your resume and networking, you want to start looking for companies that align with your career goals. This is where we come in handy! By choosing to partner with a recruiter like ourselves, we listen to your wants and needs. This includes what culture you want to work in, salary expectations, work/life balance and more. From the information you give us as well as getting a better understanding of who you are, we align you with a company that matches your needs as well as theirs.

For more information about transitioning from PM to Strata or for some advice around a career in Strata Management, contact us today on 0451 195 463.


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