Sofia Worthington



Ripple Effect Recruitment was created over a few beers while waiting for a flight to Argentina at Santiago airport. We discussed how an employee can really create a positive or negative Ripple Effect through a business, and furthermore how a culture can really create a ripple effect in their employee's lives.  

We are on a mission to bring enjoyment back into recruitment. We are here to help give insight and build a relationship that will hopefully stand the test of time whether it be for your own career or the growth of your business.  

Yes, your career is important, and your business growth is a priority, but so is enjoying the journey along the way. That’s where we come in. Whether it is building your team or helping you plan your career journey, we want to help you laugh along the way, shrug off some of the falls of the work world and celebrate the wins.

We want to go beyond the transaction of just sending a resume or clicking ‘calendar invite’, we want to be involved, watch the careers of our community of people grow and in turn watch your business flourish. 

We are here as your champions; let us help you make sure that journey is enjoyable.