The Network Triangle

Are you looking for ways to build strong relationships with people in your professional network?

This is a strategy that has been widely discussed by business and career development experts, which is favourably supported by research. This is a networking strategy that involves three key elements: 

  • Seeking advice entails reaching out to individuals in your network who have relevant expertise. Not only can you learn from their experience you can start building a relationship based on mutual respect.

  • Giving advice involves sharing your own knowledge and experience with others in your network to build credibility. People who give advice are more likely to be seen as competent and influential.

  • Making introductions involves connecting people in your network who could benefit from knowing each other. This strategy helps to strengthen relationships, expand knowledge, and create opportunities.


Asking for advice:

Reach out to people in your network who know more than you do about something you're interested in or want to learn more about. Not only can you learn from their experience you can start building a relationship based on mutual respect. A study by LinkedIn found that people who actively seek advice and guidance from others are more likely to be successful in their careers than those who don't. (Source:


Giving advice:

Share your own knowledge and expertise with others in your network and show them that you have something valuable to offer. This will also establish yourself as a credible and trustworthy professional. A study published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior found that people who give advice to others are more likely to be seen as competent and influential by their colleagues as well as increasing job satisfaction and feelings of fulfillment. (Source:


Making introductions:

Connect people in your network who could benefit from knowing each other and help others to expand their networks. This can also create new opportunities for collaboration. The Linkedin study referred to above also found that giving advice and making introductions can be equally valuable in building strong professional relationships.

So if you're looking to grow your career or business, give this a try and see how it can help you!



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