How to deal with tough owners at a Strata meeting.

Dealing with tricky owners at strata meetings can be a bit of a challenge, but don't worry - we've got some helpful tips that can make things a lot smoother and more enjoyable.

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Get everyone on the same page:

Before you kick things off, make sure everyone knows the rules and what's expected. This can help create a positive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

2. Stay on target:

Stick to the plan and keep the meeting on track. This can help prevent any awkward moments and keep everyone focused on the issues at hand.

3. Keep your cool:

As the chairperson, it's important to stay calm and collected, even if things get a little heated. By responding in a friendly and respectful way, you can keep everyone at ease and prevent unnecessary conflicts.

4. Hear everyone out:

While it's important to keep the meeting moving forward, it's also important to listen to what everyone has to say. Encourage owners to voice their concerns and ideas in a friendly and constructive way.

5. Consider a neutral mediator:

If things start to get a little tense, consider bringing in a neutral mediator to help keep the peace. A mediator can help guide discussions and find common ground between owners with different viewpoints.

6. Follow up afterwards:

Once the meeting is done, reach out to any owners who might be feeling frustrated or upset. See if there's anything you can do to help address their concerns and find a solution that works for everyone.

Remember, the goal of the strata meeting is to find solutions that benefit everyone in the community. By using these tips, you can help ensure that everyone feels heard and respected, and that the meeting is a positive experience for all involved.


The Network Triangle


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