Tips for planning your week for success

Struggling with planning? We want to discuss the best ways you can plan your week to maximise success and reduce stress.

We regularly hear from people we speak to in our network that they struggle with workloads/deadlines and ultimately fall behind on their tasks. It’s critical that you learn how to control your work rather than letting it control you.

In our list below, you can find some of our simple tips on how to write a weekly work plan and get on top of your task.

Get everything off your mind

A lot is going on in your brain right now: you have tasks to finish, tasks to keep in mind for later, people to follow up with, odd jobs, you name it. Not to mention you most likely have a bunch of things to do in your non-work life. Create a list of everything you have to do. Do everything, not just the things you need to do for work. Get it all out of your mind for a clear head.

Set deadlines

Now that you have everything written down, it's time to go over each of these tasks and determine a realistic time/date when they will be completed.

When it comes to these tasks, it is very important, to be honest with yourself and only assign those that are necessary for the day. You might be tempted to try to get everything done immediately, but by doing so, you will set yourself up for a stressful situation. To ensure long-term tasks get done, either assign a "start by" date or create a separate list for low-priority tasks.

Add to your calendar

Schedule everything on your calendar once you've listed the due dates for each. Concentrate on the tasks at hand this week. Keep any other tasks you have on your main to-do list and deal with them each week when you plan.

Organise the tasks you need to complete this week by writing them down on the day they are due, along with how much time you’ll need for each. It will enable you to plan for other meetings and ensure you have enough time to complete everything you have on your plate.

Try overestimating the time you will need for each task. For example, if editing a document usually takes 45 minutes, set aside 1 hour. Adding extra time is a good idea in case you get interrupted or it takes longer than expected for whatever reason.


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